This special number of Africana Studia results from a selection of papers submitted to the “Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures – I International Congress”, which took place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon, in January 2019.
The congress was part of the research project entitled “Coast to Coast – Late Portuguese Infrastructural Development in Continental Africa (Angola and Mozambique): Critical and Historical Analysis and Postcolonial Assessment” funded by ‘Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia’ (FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology), with the reference PTDC/ATP- AQI/0742/2014, which lasted from 2015 to 2020.
Gathering several institutions from Angola, Mozambique and Portugal as research partners1, this project analyzed how the colonial strategies for territorial domination in Angola and Mozambique reflected upon the post-independent and current socio-spatial developments, especially focusing on three specific typologies of colonial public works: transport networks, hydroelectric facilities and settlements for resource exploitation.
Peso: 0,242 kg
Dimensões (C x A): 15,5 × 22,5 cm
ISSN: 0874-2375
EAN: 977087423700039
Editora: CEAUP – Centro Est.Afr.Univ.Porto
Páginas: 172
Edição: 2024/01
Autor: Santos, Maciel Morais (Dir.)
Língua Edição: MLT (multilingue)
Tipo de Publicação: Revista
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